
I've done a little mod_perl last year but forget very quickly and I'm 
requesting some guidance to tell me where to start pinpointing a problem.

I'm looking at an application that is supposedly running mod_perl.

I"ve just started going thru the mod_perl Guide by Stas Bekman.

It showed that if the environment variable GATEWAY_INTERFACE IS 
CGI-Perl/1.1 then all is okey BUT if its  CGI/1.1 , its not running mod_perl.

In the guide it says "it means that you have configured this location to run
under mod_cgi and not mod_perl."

My question - where do I start looking to change this to mod_perl and get 
it fixed.

Is this a basic installation problem or is it configuration in the one of 
the .conf files such as httpd.conf

Also whats mod_cgi?

Thank-you in advance for your help.


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