Folks, if you think that you can write a few articles about mod_perl
please approach one of the many online magazines about web technology,
linux, unix (ms?) and what not, and offer to write about it. All you have
to do is to go to the site, find an email of the publisher and offer
yourself, probably giving a tentative proposal when you approach the
publisher for the first time.

mod_perl suffers from a lack of publicity. Having more magazines talk
about mod_perl will lead to more mod_perl users, which in turn leads to
more bugs reported and fixed, more users becoming developers and
contributors to both the software and the mailing list.

I remember that thread about people not really wanting a spread use of
mod_perl which will make their salaries significantly smaller, which is
kinda selfish but seems to be Ok with me :) I think that we are still far
away from this to happen. So have no fear.

You wrote a nice module that plugs into mod_perl? Write about it!
You use a mod_perl module that makes your day?    Write about it!
You are excited about mod_perl being so fast?     Write about it!
You have a way to overcome some problem?          Write about it!
You want to share your joy with others?           Write about it!

Think about contributing back. Based on my little experience I can say
that writing articles is a really educating and nice experience. It will
improve your confidence in yourself, especially in presenting your
knowledge in public. Which is so much easier than talking in public
(conferences) and it can be the first step on the way to become a speaker
at the conference, which is an amaizing experience for those who have
never taught in public.

When writing an article you will have to make sure that things you are
talking about are correct and therefore polishing your knowledge of the

If you need to feed your ego, writing is a great way to do. You can show
your name to your relatives and easy way to have a girlfriend if she
happens to be a web savvy person :) 

And hey, you get paid for that. I know that for many of us, money is not a
problem, but it's still a nice bonus for a few hours of work once in a

If you wrote the article and you afraid that it includes some incorrect
details, or you need a help don't hesitate to post it to the list before
you submit it to the publisher. I'm sure people on the list would be glad
to correct wrong details and provide extra information you didn't think
about, making your article even better.

Remember that open source community exists only because there are people
who give back, so if you want to make sure that it will not seize to exist
and become even better -- give back!

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker       mod_perl Guide 

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