They usually pay by the word rather than the line though. So it makes sense 
to say things several times but using different mechanisms. You know, kind 
of like going over an idea again but with a slightly different twist. 
Sometimes you can liken this to using different wording to discuss the same 

Actually though, I can say that I have been quite pleased with writing for and they are occasionally looking for writers. I would 
recommend them to anyone looking to write good articles. I especially like 
them because they only take exclusive rights to the work for 6 months 
(after that you can republish it or resell it any way you like). So it 
appeals to the open source nature of the work...

I am sure others do that but did it for me by default. Usually 
I have to press other publishers to give rights back after an exclusivity 
period. It's just kind of nice to know that what you write can be given 
back to make it potentially more open down the road.

Of course, in the end they are all a business. So if they don't want 
mod_perl, you don't need to write an article about mod_perl to be able to 
talk about it. I just did a joint "How a Web Server Works" article for 
ServerWatch side of and slipped in some advocacy stuff about 
mod_perl... It was perfectly appropriate within the context of the topic 
that I was talking about.

I agree with Stas. More people should write. It's a real growth experience. 
Writing or speaking forces you to think in a very different way. It forces 
you to look at all angles and all possible ways of presenting something. I 
find myself being a lot harder on myself if I have to produce something for 
public consumption.

The only downer is that I also know that writing can seem quite daunting as 
a task... and may even be considered not fun. Well, I guess to each his own.

But I like it. I don't necessarily think I am even as good a writer as some 
others on this list, but I also know that when I look at stuff that I did 6 
years ago and stuff I do now, I know I am a much better writer than I was 6 
years ago. I really enjoy having had the opportunity to grow in that way. 
And I would encourage others to experience the same benefit.

At 10:56 AM 6/23/00 -0400, Vivek Khera wrote:
> >>>>> "KR" == Kevin Reichard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>KR> Plus, we do pay $. ;)
>Vivek Khera, Ph.D.                Khera Communications, Inc.
>Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Rockville, MD       +1-301-545-6996
>GPG & MIME spoken here  

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