In order to get a certain buggy, poorly-designed application from a well-known vendor 
to maintain its sessions in the face of the user's IP address changing (vendor doesn't 
understand that addresses may change between requests), I'd like to have Apache lie to 
the vendor's canned CGI app about it.
That is, I'd like to set REMOTE_ADDR like so:

<Location /cgi-bin/VENDOR>
# Feed vendor's crappy CGI code a fake address that won't change:

When I test this with a simple dump-the-environment script (/cgi-bin/VENDOR/test) 
still shows my real IP address!  I've tried doing it with Apache's SetEnvIf (OT here, 
I know), and that doesn't do it either.
A quick check of the Eagle book, and a search through dejanews didn't turn up 
anything, and this should be easy...



Steve van der Burg
Information Services
London Health Sciences Centre
(519) 685-8300 ext 35559

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