>>>>>> Vivek Khera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> "SvdB" == Steve van der Burg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>SvdB> That is, I'd like to set REMOTE_ADDR like so:
>SvdB> <Location /cgi-bin/VENDOR>
>SvdB> # Feed vendor's crappy CGI code a fake address that won't change:
>SvdB> </Location>
>But is /cgi-bin running under Perl?

Ack!  That was pretty stupid of me.  It doesn't explain why
    SetEnvIf Request_URI "/cgi-bin/VENDOR" REMOTE_ADDR=
didn't work, but I can take that to the Apache folks.

>I think what you have to do is make a handler that calls Apache's
>remote_ip() method with the proper value, then runs a sub-request for
>your CGI program, taking care not to recurse on itself.

How about an access handler that just sets it?  As long as I can get to it before 
mod_cgi launches the vendor's code, I should be okay.  Of course, that's what SetEnvIf 
is supposed to do...

>If they don't understand how an IP address can change on a client, do
>they understand that clients can share the same IP?

They're fine that way.  A couple of LWP tests confirmed that.

>These people should be taken out and shot if they don't understand
>that their app fails this way.  Really.  Just shoot 'em.

I agree.  How a major vendor with lots of staff and billions of dollars can get the 
basics wrong, I don't know.

Thanks for your help.


Steve van der Burg
Information Services
London Health Sciences Centre
(519) 685-8300 ext 35559

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