Kristopher Lalletti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Okay, so if it seems that Redhat 6.1/6.2 Apache & mod_perl is broken..
> Anyone have a good guide/website to get apache & mod_perl compiled
> properly?

> I've been reading the fine manuals and compiled httpd with mod_perl (by
> using the Makefile.PL from the mod_perl src tree.)

I have to say that RH6.2 and mod_perl "works for me" out of the box,
at least in development. I'll let you know what it's like in
production in a few weeks... ;-)

You have all this carp in your httpd.conf? What does "apachectl
configtest" tell you?

LoadModule perl_module        modules/
AddModule mod_perl.c
<IfModule mod_perl.c>
  Alias /perl/ /home/httpd/perl/
  <Location /perl>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::Registry
    Options +ExecCGI

Dave Hodgkinson,                   
Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star 
      Apache, mod_perl, MySQL, Sybase hired gun for, well, hire

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