 I've a strange pb in a PerlHandler, the subprocess seems to hang in a
 $r->print ($r is Apache::Request) after a send_http_header() - wich do not
 hang - when called with a POST method (after getting the content). The SAME
 code works perfectly if the method is GET! I didn't find any kind of answer
 nor in the FAQ, the eagle book, the guide or any other place of my knowledge
 ... Help! I really need help please.
 thousands thanks in advance
 /   From the last station before the end of the neT   \
 \ Centre d'Etudes de la Navigation Aerienne,  div SSS /
 / 7, av edouard Belin - 31055 Toulouse CEDEX - France \
 \ Tel:(+33|0) | Fax:(+33|0) /

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