
I've created an object interface to Apache::Session. It's a simple
module that I've called Apache::Session::Object (seemed pretty
intuitive) that presents the following interface:

   # Create new session using the default File store
   use Apache::Session::Object;
   my $session = new Apache::Session::Object;

   my $id = $session->session_id;       # get session_id
   $session->{visa_number} = "4441 2001 2039 1100";
   $session->param('visa_number') = "4441 2001 2039 1100";   # same

   # Open existing session in the DB_File store
   use Apache::Session::Object;
   my $session2 = new Apache::Session::Object
        ($id, {Store => 'DB_File', Transaction => 1});

   print $session2->_session_id;        # leading _ ok
   # yet another way to skin the same cat
   $session->visa_number("4441 2001 2039 1100");
   print $session2->visa_number;
Any comments on this? I wanted to write it to make a more consistent
interface with the other modules. It might also make sense to integrate
this with the existing Apache::Session module. The module itself is
pretty simple, just playing some tricks with new() and AUTOLOAD() to
provide a virtual OOP interface.


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