Drew Taylor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect:
> Hi all,
> I am using an Apache Handler module to create my home page, using
> <Location /index.pl>
>     SetHandler perl-script
>     PerlHandler ModuleName
> </Location>
> I have DirectoryIndex set to "index.pl index.html", but the Location
> directive is not being picked up for the index, so I get the default
> directory listing. Is there another solution instead of a RewriteRule to
> redirect "/" to "/index.pl"?  Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Calling /index.pl explicitly works correctly, right?
Replacing <Location /index.pl> with a <FilesMatch "*.pl$"> which sets the correct
handler for .pl files should do it, and let mod_dir call index.pl itself.


Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.

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