At 10:33 AM 7/10/00 -0400, Drew Taylor wrote:
 >Chris Winters wrote:
 >> This always worked for me:
 >>  <Location />
 >>   SetHandler perl-script
 >>   PerlHandler ModuleName
 >>  </Location>
 >Well, seems like I tried that, and then it ALWAYS used that handler. I
 >also have other handlers, and I _think_ the setup above overrode the
 >others. I'll give it a try again now. OK, I just tried it, and it
 >overrode everything else. :-(

I'm doing this... in a way inspired by Scoop (  The 
handler accepts different query-string arguments to do different things...

if ($query_string_arg eq "this') {
        do that stuff;
elsif ($query_string_arg eq "that") {
        do this other stuff;
} elsif ...

Anything that doesn't match what I'm explicitly looking for will go back to 
the default behavior.

In other words, the handler handles it, and Apache just sends it to the 

David Veatch - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Many people would sooner die than think.
In fact, they do." - Bertrand Russell

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