At 11:19 AM 7/10/00 -0400, Chris Winters wrote:
 >That's funny, because until a few weeks ago I worked with Rusty
 >(author of Scoop) :)  And previous versions of Scoop were handling it
 >the way Drew mentioned, with an ''.

Like I said... "inspired by", certainly not copied.  In fact, if you go to 
sourceforge, you'll notice "dvicci" as one of the co-developers for 
scoop.  That's me. :)  Not terribly active at the moment, but still keeping 
my dirty little fingers in there.

 >Another alternative (which I prefer) has been discussed previously on
 >this list. Taking something like:


 >So the first will map 'User' to a module and call the ->display()
 >method; the second maps 'News' to a module and calls the ->edit()
 >method. GET (or POST) parameters are handled via normal means.

That's pretty nice... looks a lot cleaner than a lot of this=that&so=what 

David Veatch - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Many people would sooner die than think.
In fact, they do." - Bertrand Russell

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