On Thu, Jul 13, 2000 at 11:51:14AM -0700, Andrew Chen wrote:
> The first one is that we have two types of files that are handled
> differently, *.cgi (handled under PerlRun with PerlRunOnce On) and then
> *.pr (handled under PerlRun with PerlRunOnce Off). The idea is that
> everything runs under *.cgi in the beginning (which is the first step of
> the migration), and then we slowly clean up files and put them into *.pr
> files. The main problem is that because there's lots of references to
> *.cgi everywhere, every file we cleaned up and renamed to *.pr would have
> to have all of its referrers changed to do that (that's a lot of work).

You could use the Trans stage and write a handler that would check
that if it's a reference to *.cgi and that *.cgi doesn't exists but
there is a *.pr file instead, the *.pr will be run with PerlRunOnce.
Then you don't need to change anything in your links. I have it setup
in similar thing and work just fine.

> The second strategy is to get mod_perl to compromise between the effects
> of PerlRunOnce On and PerlRunOnce Off. Is there an easy for for PerlRun to
> flush everything (including packages) that wasn't preloaded in the
> startup.pl file? That would be a compromise between killing the child
> everytime and keeping all the packages around.

This is very good point. IMO what we might need is a module that would
be run just at the end of the startup (or at child init), inspect what
all modules are loaded, and store that information somewhere. Then
within the PerlHandler (or perhaps even a bit sooner), everything
instead of the packages (or generaly objects) that were noted to
exist just whan the child started, would be cleaned, set to undef,
deleted, whatever.

 Honza Pazdziora | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.fi.muni.cz/~adelton/
   .project: Perl, DBI, Oracle, MySQL, auth. WWW servers, MTB, Spain.
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