On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 12:36:45PM -0700, Dmitry Beransky wrote:
> At 10:56 AM 7/20/00, you wrote:
> >See this link
> >
> >http://www.asptoday.com/articles/20000712.htm
> Very interesting (now I want to buy the enitre book and see what else is in 
> there). There are some aspects of the new ASP I really like especially 
> those targeted at improvements of the workflow (content/code 
> separation).  It looks to me, though, that this improvement comes at the 
> cost of parsing HTML document into a DOM tree (although, I've always wished 
> there were a cheap way to manipulate the DOM of a document on the 
> server).  I've also noticed that the markup used in the excerpt is a weird 
> combination of HTML and XHTML (those <P /> tags).  I wonder if ASP+ pages 
> are [can be?] required to be written in XHTML to speed up the parsing time...

Yeah, I don't much care for the runat="server" way of specifying that
content should be handled by the server.  I would think that they
could have used some enclosing tag to denote that the forms were to be

Some of the stuff they talk about is already handled by Apache::ASP
(such as intelligently dealing with session state..)  Script_OnStart hooks,
Debug Tracing, etc, etc..

BTW I find that the XMLSubsMatch included in the latest Apache::ASP
simpler and cleaner way of doing much of ASP+ (especially this
business of the special asp: namespace..)

I can say

  XMLSubsMatch Apps:\w+

This converts all calls for tags like <Apps:foo /> or
<Apps:bar>...</Apps:bar> to equivalent functions in the Apps package.

Very, very useful.  

It will only get more powerful when compile-time tags are added.  This
will give a big performance boost for code that doesn't need to run on
every request, or allow for tags to insert code into the compiled
Apache::ASP page..

For example, you could define a tag named <Util:isloggedin>, and use
it like such:

    Welcome back 

You'd have this on the backend:

  sub Util::isloggedin {
    my ($args, $text);

    return(qq( if ($Session->{isloggedin}) { ) . 
           qq(   $Response->Write(' ) .
           qq( } );

almost closure like, if you ask me...

Paul Lindner
Red Hat Inc.

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