Sam Carleton wrote:
> Alex Farber wrote:
> >
> > A good place to ask is news:comp.lang.perl.misc (after you've
> > read )
> Maybe I have read things like "Programming Perl" from O'Reilly and
> "Writting Apache Modules in Perl and C", am tired of reading page after
> page and want to do some real coding.  Maybe I thought that folks in the
> mod_perl mailing list would be understanding of someone who has spent
> many years in another language and needs a little help overcoming some
> syntax issues.
> One thing is for sure, I did not expect to get a responce such as your,
> one that says: "Go ____ yourself, if you don't know the language we sure
> as ____ aren't going to help your ___!!!"
> Live and learn, I guess...

There where a number of people that did reply privately, I cheched my
mod_perl folder first<g>.  I would like to thank eveyone that did reply
kinding to my question.  My question's where answered.  Thank you, I
knew that most participants of the mailing list where willing to help
even when the subject was a bit off topic.  Again, thank you all for the


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