On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, Victor wrote:

> I am trying to figure out what Apache::ASP is and how well it works. Can
> anyone point me to information on the following points or provide me
> with answers to the following?
> 1. How compatible is Apache::ASP with ASP?

Pretty good - I worked with Joshua a long time ago to make sure that the
PerlScript and Apache::ASP were compatible. Apache::ASP scripts are not
necessarily compatible with PerlScript though, because they provide a
richer API, and some short-cuts.

> 2. How well does Apache::ASP perform?

Pretty good. Probably about as well as PerlScript, or better. Not as good
as VBScript ASP's though. See the benchmarks linked to from 

> 3. Can Apache::ASP use COM?

Only on windows, via the Win32::OLE module.

> 4. What platforms does Apache::ASP run on?

All of them. :-)

> I also wanted a clarification of ASP. As I understand it, ASP is M$'s
> version of VB that runs in a way similar to how php does? Is ASP a
> language or ... ? Does Apache::ASP support the vb syntax ?

ASP is a cross platform API, not a language. Apache::ASP implements the
API that ActiveState's PerlScript and MKS' PScript implements.


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