Victor wrote:
> So to move a page written in VB to unix, I'd need something like ChilliSoft
> ?

Until I write a VBScript to perl parser, yes you can only
use perl under Apache::ASP.  I found VBScript to be an utterly
crippled language a couple years ago when I started this project
but I absolutely loved ASP with session management, nice API,
excellence scripting syntax etc.

A note about performance... VBScript does extremely well
on small trivial scripts.  Perl's runtime strength lies in 
larger more complex programs.  The same is true when looking
at perl vs. PHP.  An unofficial benchmark I heard for a real
application was that a script ported to Apache::ASP with 
heavy DBD::Oracle access had 10 times better performance than 
the original ASP script under NT/IIS on the same hardware.

Note that Apache::ASP itself is very fast, and only slightly
slower than Apache::Registry CGI scripts.  Further, you get
other performance advantages when using perl database access,
and Apache, than when under NT/IIS/ASP.  The benchmarks
at don't capture these differences
because the "Hello World" bench is so simple, and only test
startup speed differences, not runtime language advantages.

Yes, we need a better benchmark, but these things take a lot
of time. :)

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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