Richard Dice wrote:
> > I am considering going to the ApacheCon Europe to see what's said and
> > put a few faces to names and meet a few people.
> So am I.  And I'd be shipping myself in from Montreal/Toronto for it.
> I'm sure it will be worth the money, but I sympathise in terms of paying
> out of pocket for it as well, as I'd be doing the same.
> I'm not sure if it's "a fair reflection" of the price of having an attendee
> there, but that's not what it's about:  It's about making money.  The
> conference organizers have their dreams of financial security, too, and
> are looking for an appropriate work/risk/reward pay-off as well.
> I don't think you're being a scruge.  It's a lot of money to be looking
> at -- I know. :-)
> History will show whether I get up the guts to write the cheque myself.

I've now reconsidered and am trying to summon up the will to write the
cheque as well.

Greg Cope

> Cheers,
> Richard
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Richard Dice * Personal 514 816 9568 * Fax 514 816 9569
>  ShadNet Creator * * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Occasional Writer, HotWired *
>      "squeeze the world 'til it's small enough to join us heel to toe"
>          - jesus jones

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