I want to write a new application using mod_perl but this time I want to
completely divide the code from the HTML. Therefore I am seeking for a
powerfull and fast templating system.

Newly I did something with Enhydra (Java Servlets) and they have a pretty
neat templating system: They use standard HTML and one uses the "id"
attribute in HTML tags to access them and manipulate values/contents. For

<table id="results">
        <tr id="resultheader">
        <tr id="singlerow>
                <td id="row_name">example name</td>
                <td id="row_count">example count</td>

The program now can repeat the tr "singlerow" for each table row and insert
it under the tr "resultheader". The values can be inserted into the tds
"row_name" and "row_count". The main advantage is: The designer can generate
HTML pages that can be viewed with a standard browser.

Does anybody know something similar for Perl?


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