On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Darko Krizic wrote:

> I want to write a new application using mod_perl but this time I want to
> completely divide the code from the HTML. Therefore I am seeking for a
> powerfull and fast templating system.
> Newly I did something with Enhydra (Java Servlets) and they have a pretty
> neat templating system: They use standard HTML and one uses the "id"
> attribute in HTML tags to access them and manipulate values/contents. For
> example:
> <table id="results">
>       <tr id="resultheader">
>               <th>Name</th>
>               <th>Count</th>
>       </tr>
>       <tr id="singlerow>
>               <td id="row_name">example name</td>
>               <td id="row_count">example count</td>
>       </tr>
> </table>
> The program now can repeat the tr "singlerow" for each table row and insert
> it under the tr "resultheader". The values can be inserted into the tds
> "row_name" and "row_count". The main advantage is: The designer can generate
> HTML pages that can be viewed with a standard browser.
> Does anybody know something similar for Perl?

No, but I was thinking of incorporating enhydra's XMLC technology into
AxKit. I'm not sure its a better method of working than XSLT or
XPathScript though, which allows you to be future looking (always
XML). But it could be kinda neat to do. Should be almost trivial with
HTML::Parser to generate perl out of that. Providing of course they don't
have some stupid patent on it (doubtful since its GPL'd).

Can you wait, or do you need something now?


Fastnet Software Ltd. High Performance Web Specialists
Providing mod_perl, XML, Sybase and Oracle solutions
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