On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Barry Hoggard wrote:

> Thanks for the information below, Ian.  Our site is very content-oriented, 
> and a lot of our business projects are starting to involve things like 
> co-branding and licensing content, so I'm very interested to hear more 
> about how you are integrating XSLT and Mason.
> Do you generate XML documents in mason and then transform them via XSLT?
> Are individual components responsible for their own transformations, or do 
> you do it all at the end with the whole page?
> I agree that HTML::Mason is awesome, and the fact that it parses components 
> into anonymous perl subs gives it great performance.  The other aspect 
> that's so great is its cacheing system, which can be so easily controlled 
> programmatically.

Jonathan and I spoke briefly at the conference about working together on a
combined effort of some sort - I could really use Mason's caching
technology, and he could really use my XML stuff. So maybe something will
come of that, who knows. Sadly we didn't really have enough time to talk
it through. [Jonathan; are you coming to ApacheCon Europe? Maybe we can
bash heads again there?]


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