it would be good for the user to choose between mmap or normal i/o at 
compile time. i'll try HTML::Tree anyway in the meantime.

Matt Sergeant wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Paul J. Lucas wrote:
> > On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Gerald Richter wrote:
> >
> > > To keep it fast Embperl is written in C.
> >
> >       Unless you use mmap(2), you can't compete with the speed of
> >       HTML Tree.  The only downside of mmap(2) is that HTML Tree must
> >       be first in an Apache::Filter filter chain.
> I've heard that mmap is only faster on single processor systems. On a dual
> or above system you don't want to use memory mapped IO. (This was,
> admittedly, from Phillip and Alex's guide to web publishing).
> Besides, I agree with Gerald, that reading in the template is a tiny
> portion of the overall problem. You may benchmark reading in _and_ parsing
> the template all you like, but ultimately people's web serving bottlenecks
> are generally database access and network latency.

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