"Randal L. Schwartz" wrote:
> >>>>> "Jacob" == Jacob Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Jacob> Now as to ampersands used to separate form fields, like:
> Jacob>  <A HREF="/somehandler?email=jacob%40sfinteractive.com&name=Jacob">
> Jacob> do you mean that it should be:
> Jacob>  <A HREF="/somehandler?email=jacob%40sfinteractive.com&amp;name=Jacob">
> Jacob> instead?  That second one looks better now that I look at it,
> Jacob> but I confess that I invariably use the first one.
> Then you are wrong. :) You need to have &amp; in there, so that the
> browser can turn it back from &amp; to & before sending the URL back
> up to your server (or whichever server comes along).
Are there any browsers that do not actually handle the naked '&'
correctly?  I confess that I also missed this, though I do understand
the reason: the first one's invalid HTML.  It just seems to always work.

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