has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/G/GE/GEOFF/Apache-Dispatch-0.01.tar.gz
  size: 5170 bytes
   md5: acee515fc8d19223f017c8380cae5b26

well, after the conference, I felt motivated to do some stuff.  Then I got
on the red-eye and spent the early part of this week recovering :)

anyway, Apache::Dispatch is a module we've talked about before and that I've
been meaning to get to for a while, but just found the tuits this week.

Hopefully, it addresses some of the safety concerns expressed a few months
ago about such a concept.  consider it REAL alphaware for the moment - it
works (at least for me), but until everyone pokes around it some and looks
for holes it may not be entirely safe.

that said, if people are listening beyond the template traffic, here is the



Apache::Dispatch - call PerlHandlers with the ease of CGI



  PerlModule Apache::Dispatch
  PerlFixupHandler Apache::Dispatch

  DispatchMode Safe
  DispatchMethod Handler
  DispatchAllow Custom
  DispatchDeny Apache Protected


Apache::Dispatch translates $r->uri into a class and method and runs
it as a PerlHandler.  Basically, this allows you to call PerlHandlers
as you would CGI scripts - from the browser - without having to load
your httpd.conf with a slurry of <Location> tags.


in httpd.conf:

  PerlModule Apache::Dispatch
  PerlFixupHandler Apache::Dispatch

  DispatchMode Safe
  DispatchMethod Handler
  DispatchAllow Test

in browser:

the results are the same as if your httpd.conf looked like:
  <Location /Foo>
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlHandler Foo


All configuration directives apply on a per-server basis. 
Virtual Hosts inherit any directives from the main server or can
delcare their own.

  DispatchMode    - Safe:       allow only those methods whose
                                namespace is explitily allowed by 
                                DispatchAllow and explitily not
                                denied by DispatchDeny

                    Brave:      allow only those methods whose
                                namespace is explitily not denied by 

                    Foolish:    allow any method

  DispatchMethod  - Handler:    assume the method name is handler(),
                                meaning that /Foo/Bar becomes

                    Subroutine: assume the method name is the last
                                part of the uri - /Foo/Bar becomes

                    Determine:  the method may either be handler() or
                                the last part of the uri.  the last
                                part is checked first, so  this has
                                the additional benefit of allowing
                                both /Foo/Bar/handler and /Foo/Bar to
                                to call Foo::Bar::handler().
                                of course, if Foo->Bar() exists, that
                                will be called since it would be found

  DispatchAllow   - a list of namespaces allowed execution according
                    to the above rules

  DispatchDeny    - a list of namespaces denied execution according
                    to the above rules


Apache::Dispatch tries to be a bit intelligent about things.  If by
the time the uri reaches the fixup phase it can be mapped to a real
file, directory, or <Location> tag, Apache::Dispatch declines the

DispatchDeny always includes the following namespaces:

Like everything in perl, the package names are case sensitive relative
to $r->uri.

Verbose debugging is enabled by setting $Apache::Dispatch::DEBUG=1.
Very verbose debugging is enabled at 2.  To turn off all debug
information set your apache LogLevel directive above info level.

This is alpha software, and as such has not been tested on multiple
platforms or environments.  It requires PERL_INIT=1, PERL_LOG_API=1,
and maybe other hooks to function properly.


DispatchDeny and DispatchAllow work, but not quite the way I want.
For instance, DispatchDeny Custom will deny to Customer:: methods,
while DispatchAllow Custom will allow Custom::Filter->handler() and
Custom->filter(), but deny Customer:: methods.  I think DistpatchAllow
has the proper behavior, but DispatchDeny may need to be changed.
Input is welcome.


perl(1), mod_perl(1), Apache(3), Apache::ModuleConfig(3)


Geoffrey Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Copyright 2000 Geoffrey Young - all rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

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