On Mon, 31 Jul 2000, Geoffrey Young wrote:

> I'll remove Foolish (the name was a dead givaway that it would be gone soon
> :), but I think that Brave would greatly enhance the development process by
> allowing you to test handlers without having to stop and start the server to
> add location tags to reload the module.  I'll be sure to add documentation
> to that extent.

OK, I think the documentation then should suggest (obviously not
enforce) that this is useful primarily for testing new handlers, not as a
way to build your application due to the inherent security issues.

> > [basically the way I saw it working was you specified a 
> > namespace prefix
> > for each <Location>, so you'd have DispatchPrefix MyApp, and
> > http://server/location/Foo would call MyApp::Foo->handler, 
> > assuming that
> > /location is the entry in <Location> for the above config line]
> I did re-read the archives and I saw you mention this.  I think I may add an
> additional directive
> DispatchClass that only works from a <Location> tag that does just that.  It
> would be in addition to the existing API and would allow only one class per
> location.  I'll also add documentation suggesting that it exists for
> security reasons, so using it like
>  <Location /Foo>
>     DispatchClass Foo
> defeats the purpose :)

Of course, but thats not likely to happen too often :)

I don't think DispatchClass is a great name though. It implies that you'll
always be calling methods in that class. Prefix sounded better to
me... But you're the boss :)

> > 
> > > But maybe we're missing eachother on this?  Or you
> > > have something in mind that I don't? I'll admit, I'm
> > > far from a web security expert, and this does need to
> > > be quite secure to be a benefit to anyone...
> > > 
> > > as for method restrictions, I can't remember if it was
> > > talked about - I'll have to go over the archives
> > > again.
> > > however, having to specify Foo::Bar->method for each
> > > method you want to use seems like overkill to me,
> > > almost as limiting as having to add all those location
> > > tags.
> > 
> > Thats not what I meant. If you just force a method prefix, 
> > the same way I
> > suggest above using a namespace prefix, and default to cmd_ 
> > or something,
> > then its much easier to design a complex app in a class where you have
> > web-space functions (those beginning with cmd_) and non-web space
> > functions (i.e. private functions that implement parts of your
> > application, where you don't want people directly calling the
> > method). Without that, it would be trivial for someone to 
> > call new() or
> > something, which might not be intended (and might have side effects).
> right, now I remember.  I still think that implying handler() should be an
> option, however, since some people do write one handler per module for
> mod_perl.  How about changing DispatchMethod Subroutine to Prefix and having
> that prefix all method calls with dispatch_ , which seems a bit more self
> documenting?

Sure. And have http://server/location/Foo/ call
MyApp::Foo->dispatch_index() (or if you want to be microsoftian,
dispatch_default() ;-)


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