I have installed the mod_perl and changed the httpd.conf as
 Alias /cgi-perl/ /usr/ns-home/cgi-bin/
 <Location /cgi-perl/>
         #AllowOverride None
         SetHandler perl-script
         PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun
         Options +ExecCGI
         allow from all
         PerlSendHeader On
         PerlSetVar  PerlRunOnce On

When I restarted httpd, there was no error reported.

But when I used the following CGI to test whether the mod_perl was working
or not.
The report was no. Why?

print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
  print "Server's environment\n";
  foreach ( keys %ENV ) {
      print "$_\t$ENV{$_}\n";

The result is

It means that I have configured this location to run under mod_cgi and not
How can I configure the location to run under mod_perl?

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