___cliff rayman___ wrote:
> The perl interpreter has a one global symbol table called the stash where
> all global variables are referenced by package and by variable name.
> Since the interpreter does not go away when a script is recompiled, neither
> does the stash or any of the items contained within it.  Some programmers
> are probably using this as a feature, and therefore it is unlikely that it
> will change.
> This is really standard perl stuff and it has nothing to do with
> Apache::Registry in particular.  It is just something the average perl
> programmer does not come across since we usually load the interpreter, load
> a program, run the program, exit the interpreter.
> check out:
> http://thingy.kcilink.com/modperlguide/porting/Global_Variables_Persistence.html
Thanks for the info and the link.

One note though.  The info in the link really doesn't pertain to my
specific question:

"global variables persist inside the same process from request to

I knew that; I was surprised that they did even on a recompilation of
the script, which the link info doesn't really refer to.

*You* have straightened me out, on the other hand.

So, lessee, BEGIN { somevar=somevalue; } ought to work for a variable I
want reinitialized at compilation only...

Yep, works.  Thanks.

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