Please send the file for the url you're getting the error with.

On 05-Aug-2000 Jeff Smelser wrote:
> I got EMbperl to compile. It when I did make test, everything went great.
> OK's down the line. I set up apache with:
> <Location /perl/>
> SetHandler perl-script
> PerlHandler HTML::Embperl
> </Location>
> This is what apache says when I restarted it:
> [10843]ERR:  25: Line 1: Error 
> [Sat Aug  5 16:10:00 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.9 (Unix)  (Red Hat/Linux)
> mod_perl/1.21 configured -- resuming normal operations
> This is what it says when I test is with test.html: 
> Bareword found where operator expected at /home/httpd/perl/test.html line
> 3, near "<TITLE>Jeff's"
>         (Missing operator before Jeff's?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at /home/httpd/perl/test.html line
> 5, near "/TITLE>
> </HEAD"
>   (Might be a runaway multi-line // string starting on line 4)
>         (Missing operator before HEAD?)
> Scalar found where operator expected at /home/httpd/perl/test.html line 7,
> at end of line
>         (Missing operator before ?)
> [Sat Aug  5 16:10:07 2000] [error] syntax error at
> /home/httpd/perl/test.html line 2, near "HEAD"
> What did I miss?
> Running works fine on the same file I am running through
> apache.
> Thanks,
> Jeff

Jason Bodnar

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