for anyone who is interested (apparently not many :) I ran a quick "hello
world" LWP::Simple based benchmark using Apache::Registry (with
RegistryLoader), a normal PerlHandler, and Apache::Dispatch...

Benchmark: timing 5000 iterations of dispatch, handler, registry...
  dispatch: 108 wallclock secs (24.21 usr +  5.73 sys = 29.94 CPU) @
167.00/s (n=5000)
   handler: 91 wallclock secs (22.88 usr +  5.71 sys = 28.59 CPU) @ 174.89/s
  registry: 98 wallclock secs (23.77 usr +  5.45 sys = 29.22 CPU) @ 171.12/s

and also uncovered a small bug:

--- 2000/08/04 15:36:32     1.8
+++ 2000/08/07 12:00:41
@@ -105,9 +105,8 @@
 # since the uri is dispatchable, check each of the extras
-  my @extras  = $dcfg->{_extras} ? 
-                  @{$dcfg->{_extras}} : 
-                  @{$scfg->{_extras}};
+  my @extras  = $dcfg->{_extras} ? @{$dcfg->{_extras}} :
+                $scfg->{_extras} ? @{$scfg->{_extras}} : undef;
   foreach my $extra (@extras) {
     if ($extra eq "PRE") {

just FYI...


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