On Mon, 7 Aug 2000, Geoffrey Young wrote:

> > Does Dispatch stat() the module on every hit? It might be useful to
> > provide a switch to turn that off, if so.
> which I would guess is just apache doing apache translation things, right?  

Yes, as the guide says, you could install an Apache::OK trans handler to
get rid of those.

> After determining the proper class->method() by parsing the uri and making
> some assumptions, Dispatch.pm calls class->can(method), which does magic
> things, of which I know little about the inner workings...
> I was interested in somehow trying to cache known methods to avoid
> successive can() calls, but I wasn't quite sure how to go about that one
> yet...
> does that help?

No, because it's not what I meant :-)

Assuming you're in a development stage, I might expect Dispatch to stat
the module that it's loading, like StatINC does, to check if it needs
reloading again. And I'd turn that off for development. This gives you
the advantage that Apache::Registry has of re-loading new scripts (except
in Dispatch's case, its a module not a script). And it won't stat _all_
the modules installed on every hit, like StatINC does, so the overhead
should be reasonable.


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