On Sat, 12 Aug 2000, Leslie Mikesell wrote:

> According to Matt Sergeant:
> > 
> > package Apache::Reload;
> What I've always wanted along these lines is the ability
> to load something in the parent process that would take
> a list of directories where modules are always checked
> and reloaded (for your local frequently changed scripts)
> plus one filename that is checked every time and if it

I use this simple library module. It is called from the beginning of the 
first script encountered in a set of scripts. This substitutes for a 
require statement for the corresponding modules.

Call as:

unshift @INC, './lib';
require 'LibChk.pl';
&LibChk::Install (                    # check libraries for currency


# LibChk.pl
# version 1.01 6-16-00
# copyright Michael Robinton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#   WARNING!! httpd must be 'HUP'ed if this library is modified
# check for library changes and load if necessary or not present
package LibChk;
use vars qw ( %Modified );              # library modification times

# Input:        list of libraries (path must be in @INC)
sub Install {
  foreach my $i (@_) {
    if ( ! exists $Modified{$i} ||                      # if undefined time
         ! exists $INC{$i} ||                           # missing
         $Modified{$i} != (stat "./$INC{$i}" )[9] ) {   # or changed
      delete $INC{$i} if defined $INC{$i};
      require $i;
      $Modified{$i} = (stat "./$INC{$i}" )[9];

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