Converting  "sub foo" into "local *foo = sub" won't work when the function
is called before is declared, because the local only works for the rest
of the block, not the entire block. i.e. you can't do

  local *foo = sub {

Plus, I think you usually need the trailing semicolon anyway.


On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Dan Campbell wrote:

> > 
> > Due to forgetfulness I was recently bitten by the infamous "my() Scoped
> > Variable in Nested Subroutines" problem using Apache::Registry, and it got
> > me thinking about whether it is fixable.
> > 
> > >From the diagnostics:
> >   This problem can usually be solved by making the inner subroutine
> >   anonymous, using the sub {} syntax.  When inner anonymous subs that
> >   reference variables in outer subroutines are called or referenced, they
> >   are automatically rebound to the current values of such variables.
> > 
> > I think it should be possible for Registry to pre-process the source code
> > to turn all top-level named subroutines into sub refs. For example,
> > convert subroutines of the form
> > 
> >   sub foo { <CODE> }
> > 
> > into
> > 
> >   sub foo { &{ sub { <CODE> } } }
> [snip]
> I think it would be easier to convert
>    sub foo
> into
>    local *foo = sub
> That way, you don't have to parse for the matching right brace.
> Something like:
>    s/sub\s+(\w+)/local *\1 = sub/msg; # untested - just a guess
> might do the trick.
> --
> Dan Campbell

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