This already exists, can't get more canned than that.

checkout mod_layout here:

Granted it's not a perl module, but it works and is rather customizable...
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Alex Menendez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 1:26 PM
>Subject: canned footers
>hello, all
>I am trying to write a module that generates a canned footer for all
>html and cgi pages on my site.
>the html part is pretty easy and I have already implemented 
>it. However,
>I am currently having trouble adding it
>to standalone cgi scripts that are not parsed by the server. I have
>tried a number of variations with mod_perl subrequests but none of them
>seem to work right. I also thought about reading the scripts 
>contents in
>the module and using eval. However, that seems a little cumbersome.
>Have any of you implemented such thing before? Any ideas?

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