On 16-Aug-2000 Vivek Khera wrote:
>>>>>> "BWH" == Bruce W Hoylman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> BWH> Have you looked at Apache::Sandwich from CPAN?  It is easy to implement
> BWH> and I have used it for awhile now to add confidentiality headers and
> BWH> footers to pages in a small to medium site.
> The only real trick is that you are responsible for the resulting
> "sandwich" to be valid HTML.  Apache::Sandwich does not insert
> headers/footers in the right place within a complete HTML document.
> It just pastes text files together.

Apache::ProxyStuff puts the headers and footers where they belong in the HTML
document so you can use existing content and even modify the BODY attributes to
meet your needs.

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Team Linux

I'm tired of being a wanna-be league bowler, I wanna be a league bowler!

                -- Homer Simpson
                   Team Homer

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