i may be coming in late here, so forgive me if this has been mentioned:

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

not sure if everything you want will be sent to the browser, but it is better
than a standard 500 error, and you can read the errors from the log easier.
___cliff [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.genwax.com/
George Sanderson wrote:

>  <<<STDERR>>> Opps got an error here or something. <<<\STDERR>>>
> I'm sure you would also want a submit (DEBUG) button which could generate
> the above, on-demand for form pages and such. (Kind of a DEBUG on demand
> option.)
> Is this what is being discussed here?
> (This is probably, not a mod_perl topic, but then again, it could be:-).
> At 12:04 PM 8/21/00 -0700, you wrote:
> >The stuff that the server sends back comes from STDOUT if CGIs or within
> >mod-perl, either $req->print or a regular print since it is tied.  The
> >error messages go to STDERR which apache redirects internalls so that the
> >messages go to the error log.  I don't know that it's possible and I'm
> >certain it's not a good idea to try and circumvent that and send STDERR to
> >the browser.  And besides that, you'd still have to send content-type
> >headers. ==


> >> How do I produce an error page (in HTML), when I call the script from a
> >> browser, that looks just like the error screen I get when I run a script
> >> at the command line?
> >>
> >> That is, if I run the following script from the command line:
> >>
> >> -------
> >> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> >>
> >> use strict;
> >> use diagnostics;
> >>
> >> ($first, $second) = @ARGV;
> >>
> >> exit;
> >> -------
> >>
> >> I'll get a whole bunch of messages telling me I "use strict" and I have
> >> variables that I didn't define with "my".
> >>
> >> But, if I call it from my browser, I just get back a "Internal Server
> >> Error" page.  Instead I want all the diagnostics messages.
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Jay
> >>
> >> Jay Strauss
> >> (h) 773.935.5326
> >> (c) 312.617.0264

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