Recently, I reinstalled mod_perl and Apache::ASP on my system in order to
fix a problem I was having with ASP not using the new version of perl on
my system. However, I'm having problem with some old code.

I used to do this:

In httpd.conf: PerlSetVar IncludesDir /home/goamembers/www
In an ASP script: <!--#include file="/"-->

Notice the "/" in "/". This would force it to get from
/home/goamembers/www, instead of the current directory. This makes it kind
of like <!--#include virtual--> does with respect to filenames that start
with "/" (but include virtual cannot be used to inline asp code).

But something seems to have changed in a recent version. It seems to be
expecting to be in the root directory of the entire system, and
not checking the IncludesDir.

Does anyone have an idea on how I can fix this, other than running a
global search and replace to change all those #include files to explicitly
specify /home/goamembers/www (ick)?


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