On Sun, 10 Sep 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> For 2 days solid now I've been trying to track down a very bizarre memory
> leak in AxKit.
> I've checked everything I can think of - all circular references are now
> gone, all closures clean up carefully after themselves, and I've reduced
> the usage of some external modules. But still the processes grow.
> Now to the wierd bit. I could track this down if it wasn't for this:
> The memory leak starts after the Nth hit, usually around 35. This is
> running under httpd -X.
> So it goes along very happily for 35 hits - memory usage is rock solid
> stable. Then after the 35th hit the memory usage starts to grow about 4k
> per hit. Obviously thats an impossible rate of growth to sustain for any
> amount of time, and soon the server is swamped.
> Can anyone give me _any_ help in figuring out where this might be coming
> from? I've tried several things, including adding the ability to display
> the memory usage in the debug statements (by getting the VmSize out of
> /proc/self/status). This is driving me absolutely mad, as you might
> tell. The only thing I can come close to in locating it is some remote
> possibility that it is in one particular section of the code, but that
> doesn't actually seem to be the case - sometimes the memory increase goes
> outside that section of code.
> The modules I'm using are:
> Time::HiRes, Apache::* (core apache stuff only), AxKit, Digest::MD5,
> Compress::Zlib, Fcntl, XML::Parser, XML::XPath, Unicode::Map8,
> Unicode::String, MIME::Base64, Storable (loaded but not used),
> XML::Sablotron (loaded but not used).
> mod_perl is 1.24 and Perl is 5.00503 (Mandrake release).

First, Apache::VMonitor and GTop will make your debugging work much

Second, The only reason that I can think of that things start happening
after Nth hit is that one of the modules that you use does an internal
accounting that goes astrey after Nth hit. Using Apache::Peek will help
you discover the leakage by dumping and comparing the complete package
variables tables. You will find some examples of using Apache::Peek in the
guide. This will definitely allow you to spot the offending module. Of
course the complete list of loaded modules can be found in /perl-status :)

Apache::Leak is another thing to try, but it's not really good unless you
know the exact offensive code. Otherwise it reports leakages for things
which are Perl optimizations in fact.

Yet another thing I'd think about is monitoring the code with GTop, and
running it under strace/gdb. So it goes like this:

You run a daemon that watches the processes and prints its memory size via
Gtop. You complete 35 hits and now run the server under Apache::DB 
debugger. So you do 's' by 's' (step by step) and watch the printouts of
the GTop daemon. Once you see the growth -- you know the offending
module/line - and voila... of course this should be automized...

And while you work on this it would be really really cool to have this
documented. I can imagine that you will have to write a few snippets of
code to automate things... But this would be a treasure for those in the
same trouble like you.

Hope this helps.

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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