Matt Sergeant wrote:
> Can anyone give me _any_ help in figuring out where this might be coming
> from?

When I'm working on problems like this, there are two basic things I
try.  They're not rocket science, but they usually work.  The first is
removing sections of code until the leak goes away.  Then you get to
tear your hair out wondering why that subrotuine leaks, but at least
you'll know where it is.  The second is to run under the debugger, with
top running in strobe-light mode (refresh 0) in another window, watching
for which line pushes the memory up.

You've already named the usual suspects - closures and circular refs -
but some closure problems can be very subtle.

There's also the memory-related stuff that Apache::Status provides, but
I found it difficult to get useful info out of it.

- Perrin

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