At 12:46 AM 9/24/2000 -0400, Jim Winstead wrote:
>On Sep 24, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
> > The PerlCookbook seemed to indicate that mkdir is an atomic operation 
> (both
> > checks if the directory exists and creates it if it does not), so a 
> locking
> > mechanism based on mkdir would take care of this issue
> > presumably.  Removing the lock is a matter of removing the directory.
> >
> > However, (maybe this is right ... i dont have it here with me), the
> > PerlCookbook was saying this within the context of an NFS locking 
> mechanism
> > I think. So, if mkdir is not truly atomic under Perl's implementation for
> > Win32 then that would screw that over. Would anyone here know off the top
> > of their head?
>be careful, mkdir isn't really atomic under nfs.

OK. In going back to look up Perl Cookbook, it does say it's dependent on 
the client and server implementation of NFS... Although it doesn't name any 
system as having an atomic client or server implementation of mkdir. I 
imagine both are needed.

Of course, then the question is... is mkdir() atomic on Win32 Perl..


PS I've added OT to this thread.

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