"Kyle Dawkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Joe Brenner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've run into problems adding virtual hosts to a machine
> > where I've already got mod_perl working, but I'm having
> > some trouble pinning it down, because apache just seems to
> > die silently without giving me any hints in the error_log.
> >
> > It definitely does have something to do with an interaction
> > with mod_perl though, because if I comment out "AddModule
> > mod_perl.c" I can at least get apache to restart (though I
> > guess whether the vhosts are working is another question).
> >
> > Does anyone out there have some sucessful examples of
> > httpd.conf files for mod_perl+vhost sites that they can
> > point me at?  (Sorry if the answer to this one is out there
> > somewhere, but I've been looking and having found it.)

> > (I'm running a RedHat 6.1 linux system, using perl 5.05,
> > mod_perl 1.21, and apache 1.3.9):

> Your problem is with the RPMs that you're using (I bet). I am guessing
> you're using the pre-built ones that come with RH6.1, right?  Don't be
> fooled... these are buggy.  

Well, you're quite right that I've been trying to stick to
the rpms.  In many cases they're the ones that came with RH
6.1, in other cases I downloaded newer ones...  I guess I'll
have to think about just building from source.  Doesn't seem
like it can hurt.

(It occurs to me that I'm also using mod_perl as a DSO... 
it seemed to me like that was working fine, I wondered 
a bit why some people thought it was a bad idea.  Maybe 
I've found out why...?)

> You solution is extremely simple and will only
> take a short time if you follow the instructions:
> 1. Use "rpm -e" to remove mod_perl and mod_php, then remove apache.
> 2. DOWNLOAD THE SOURCES for Apache 1.3.12 and mod_perl 1.24
> 3. Build them from the source tarballs.  You probably want to enable
>    "EVERYTHING" when you build mod_perl.  Make sure you build a new apache
>    executable with mod_perl statically linked in.  This
>    apache executable takes a bit more RAM but it's faster and way
>    more stable.
> 4. To make sure that your new httpd has mod_perl built in, execute
>    httpd -l
>    and it should list its modules.  If mod_perl appears, you're golden.
> 5. Remove all the LoadModule and AddModule stuff from your httpd.conf,
>    restart apache, and if it doesn't work, I'd be very surprised...
> I had the same problem as you (although it was
> LinuxPPC2000). 

Oh yeah, I'm just running i386 stuff on a oldish Pentium.  
It's a bad habit to fall into, not to mention that...

> As did many others in the past (do a search for "SIGSEGV"
> or "core dump" or "segmentation fault" in the mailing list
> archives...), and it's a bummer of a bug because it
> doesn't bite you until you try something slightly
> difficult (uhhhhh, like "PerlModule Apache::DBI") and it
> explodes.

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