I am pretty new with mod_perl and I have the following runtime error :

Database handle destroyed without explicit disconnect at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/Apache/Registry.pm line 144.
[Tue Oct  3 22:33:58 2000] [error] Can't call method "errstr" on
unblessed reference at ./libdb.pl line 35.

What is "unblessed reference" ???

Before it was working. I do not know why it is not working anymore...
Here is the code around my line 35...

&ConnexionDB("db_test", "localhost", "user", "password", \$dbh, 1);
if ($action eq "question"){
    &enregistre(\$dbh, $question, $nomdemandeur, $courriel, $location,

thanks for any help...

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