I use (/etc/rc.d/init.d/http stop; sleep 2; /etc/rc.d/init.d/http start)
Yeah, it causes a delay, but makes sure the dev box is in a clean state
before I mess it up again with whatever change I just made <grin>


On Sat, 07 Oct 2000 12:33:10 -0700, Perrin Harkins wrote:

>Andreas Schiffler wrote:
>> In reply to my own question, I found the cuplrit after some poking
>> around in frequent restarts of the webserver using:
>>     apachectl restart
>> After each code change, the new scripts were copied onto the server and
>> apache restarted. Since we are in active development, this occured
>> several times a day and each time apache was restarted this way, its
>> memory consumption went up.
>> Doing it the "hard" way with the /etc/rc.d/init.d script
>>     httpd restart
>> solves the problem.
>> Kindof a weired interaction between mod_perl and apache - can someone
>> elaborate on "is this a bug or is it a feature"?
>It's well known that SIGHUP will cause the server to grow, although I'm
>not sure it's in the guide.  I use apachectl stop && apachectl start to
>restart my server.  Anything else (including things like
>Apache::StatINC) will reduce your shared memory and increase the real
>size of the child processes.
>- Perrin

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