This code works as a perl script executed off the command line:

        use XML::Parser;
        my $parser = new XML::Parser();
        $parser->parse( "<form></form>" );

This code fails with a segmentation fault when called from mod_perl:

        package CBL::mod_perl::test1;

        use strict;
        use XML::Parser;

        sub handler
                my $r = shift;

                my $parser = new XML::Parser();
                $parser->parse( "<form></form>" );

                $r->content_type( 'text/html' );
                $r->print( "<html><body>" );
                $r->print( "Testing" );
                $r->print( "</body></html>" );

                return OK;


Is there some inherint problem with XML::Parser and mod_perl?

Jack Herrington
        Engineering Manager
        Certive - Building the world's first broadband B2B network
        (650) 701-8809

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