"Differentiated Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> We have an application where we will have to service as high as 50 =
> queries a second.
> We've discovered that most database just cannot keep pace.
> The only option we know is to service queries out of flat files.
> Can somebody give us pointers o n what modules are available to create =
> flat file based database.
> Specically we want a mechanism to be able service queries which can =
> return rows where values are greater than specified value.
> We are experiementing currently with dbm and DB::File. These seem to =
> handle hashes quite comfortably. How do we handle these inequality =
> queries.

You might look at BerkeleyDB's cursor implementation, although
50 queries / second should be do-able with mysql and optimized tables.  

Also consider cacheing the results (as others have suggested), 
if many of the queries are reused & not changed between queries.

Joe Schaefer

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