Why not use a .pm file that will include an athentication module.. i call mine weblogin.pm
in each secure template just add on top something like:
use weblogin;
this will call the authenticate module to run and if the user failed login it will just display a login screen and exit();
good luck! :)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 5:41 PM
Subject: Authentication Nightmare

Can anyone help me with this really irritating problem. I have written a cgi script that is fired up from a ErrorDocument 403 that redirects a user to a logon screen if they attempt to enter a secure area. I then have a perl module that authenticates the entered username and password against a table in an Oracle Database through DBI/DBD.
Once I have authenticated the user I need to allow them to view the particular URL the were originally requesting. Getting the URL isn't a problem but redirecting them is.
I have asked this question before and the main advise given was to use the cookie based authentication in the Eagle book but the problem is that this has also got to work for WAP phones......
Ian Frawley
Software Development
0161 222 2400

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