Matt Sergeant wrote:
> Sadly gmtime doesn't return any component indicating the timezone. Of
> course why not print out GMT instead of %Z?

Because it won't always be GMT.

> Alternatively, why not use Time::Object? It implements strftime without
> the overhead of, and does it in XS too.

Does it know Time Zones? Here's what I've got so far. The idea is to get
&$format_date to work correctly everywhere.

    if ($ENV{MOD_PERL}) {
        use Apache::Util;
        $format_date = \&Apache::Util::ht_time;
    } else {
        use POSIX;
        $format_date = sub {
            POSIX::strftime($_[1] || "%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z", $_[0] ?
              localtime($_[0]) : gmtime);


David E. Wheeler                                   Phone: (415) 645-9365
Software Engineer                                  Fax:   (415) 645-9204
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