martin langhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> hi,
> this HTTP protocol (definition and actual implementation) question is
> making me mad. Will (and should) a cookie be valid withing the same
> host/domain/subdirectory when changing PORT numbers?
> All my cookies have stopped working as soon as I've set my mod_perl
> apache on a high port with a proxying apache in port 80 [ see thread
> "AARRRGH! The Apache Proxy is not transparent wrt cookies!" ]
> martin
It would help if you post both the piece of httpd.conf
that has your Proxy* directives on your light server,
as well as the <VirtualHost>...</VirtualHost> block from the
heavy server's config file.
Otherwise you could try running
% tcpdump -i eth0 -l -s 1500 -w - port 80 or port 8080 | strings > /tmp/http
(the flags above probably need adjustment)
on your server to examine the http headers and see where the cookies get
dropped. Pay attention to the "Host" and "Cookie" lines.
Joe Schaefer
SunStar Systems, Inc.