* Gary Goldberg
| Hello. I am build a machine from scratch, so I've done this:
| 1. Installed clean Solaris 8 Intel.
| 2. Installed SFWgcc (2.95.2) from Solaris install.
| 3. Used Solaris-installed perl 5.005 to build perl 5.6 in /opt. (Everything
| in /opt).
| 4. Used CPAN to install libnet, MD5, CPAN bundles.
| 5. Installed Mysql 3.23.26 into /opt.
| 6. Installed Bundle::Mysql, Bundle::Apache using CPAN.
| 7. Installed Berkeley db 3.1 into /opt.
| 8. Reinstalled perl 5.6 using -Ubincomat5005 enabling large file support.
| 8. Used clean dists of apache 1.3.14, php 4.03pl1, mod_perl 1.24.
|    Built apache using suexec config, --enable=module=most --enable-shared-max
|    with largefile support. Make, install.
|    Built mod_perl using USE_APXS=1 WITH_APXS=/opt/apache/bin/apxs EVERYTHING=1
|    and make, install.
|    Built php4 using APXS. Make, install.
| Everything seems fine, but when I try to access the status module or the
| webroot home page I get "child exit segmentation fault (11)".
| All previous messages in the list archive did not seem to apply, although
| I tried their suggestions also. Nothing seems to work and I am stuck
| here, Any ideaa? THanks to all in advance, -Gary

I've got the same sigsegv problem, though not with perl 5.6.0 only
5.00503 and 500404 and only on linux/x86 and linux/ppc, solaris/usparc
works fine.  DSO or no DSO doesn't seem to matter.  I'm trying to
do some debugging of this problem, but haven't gotten very far.
Actually I only have the Apache::Status sigsegv on one build on
linux/x86.  _BUT_ I've got another homemade module that dies on every
linux build that doesn't use 5.6.  It's a real show stopper, but it's
forcing me to learn a little more about gdb and c every day :)

Any advances you do in tracing this problem, please let me know.

Head Engineer   Center for Information Technology Services
                                        University of Oslo

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