> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jimi Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 5:34 PM
> To: Geoffrey Young
> Subject: Re: Probably a really stupid question
> Geoffrey,
> I'm still having problems, perl is installed, mod_perl is 
> installed.  I can
> call both of them directly and they work find. 

well, that's not really true - your 'can't find PerlHandler' error is a
pretty sure indication that mod_perl is not installed...

> However, when 
> I try to get
> Apache to execute the script is when it all falls apart.  I 
> have tried to
> find the module that you mentioned and I'm not able to locate 
> it.  

mod_so is part of the core apache distribution - it is one of two modules
you must compile in statically if you want other modules to be dynamically
loaded (read more about the apache DSO - dynamic sharing option in the
apache docs)

basically it boils down to this: either compile mod_perl into your apache
binary statically (which yours isn't since you get the PerlHandler error) or
enable Apache's DSO (via a complied in mod_so, which you don't have since
you get the LoadModule error) and enable mod_perl as a DSO using LoadModule.

there are instructions for both of these in perl.apache.org/guide - my
suggestion would be to compile a static mod_perl and deal with DSO later.
But the choice is yours...



> If you
> could provide a link, this might be helpful, especially to 
> other Solaris
> users.
> No one else mentions this module in any of the install 
> instructions. 
> All
> the documentation seems to indicate you should just be able to install
> mod_perl (as long as perl is working) have it work.  Why this 
> applies to the
> entire rest of the known world and not me is a total mystery?
> ACK!!!!!!!!!!
> Geoffrey Young wrote:
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Jimi Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 3:13 PM
> > > Subject: Probably a really stupid question
> > >
> > >
> > > Problem - all files ending in the .pl extension display
> > > source code rather than
> > > being executed. In addition to not seeing the .pl's as
> > > executable I get this
> > > message when I try to start apache -
> > >
> > > callmaster% apachectl start
> > > Syntax error on line 793 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
> > > Invalid command 'PerlHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined
> > > by a module not
> > > included in the server configuration
> > > apachectl start: httpd could not be started
> > >
> > > So then I change the LoadModule to
> > >
> > > LoadModule      perl_module             libexec/libperl.so
> > >
> > > which then generates this error message -
> > >
> > > callmaster% apachectl start
> > > Syntax error on line 203 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
> > > Invalid command 'LoadModule', perhaps mis-spelled or defined
> > > by a module not
> > > included in the server configuration
> > > apachectl start: httpd could not be started
> >
> > sounds like you don't have mod_so compiled in....
> >
> > ./httpd -l
> >
> > should show mod_so.c, which is what controls the LoadModule 
> directive...
> >
> > HTH
> >
> > --Geoff
> >
> > >
> > > This would seem to indicate that mod_perl did not install
> > > correctly.  However,
> > > mod_perl states that it has installed.
> > > When I go to check the apache/libexec, it is empty - no
> > > mod-perl.  I don't
> > > understand why this isn't building properly.
> > >
> > > Any insight would be helpful.......
> > >
> > > I've always done this via the RPM in Red Hat and this is on a
> > > Sparc Solaris 2.6
> > > box so maybe someone can give me a hand and tell me what I've
> > > missed.  I've
> > > attached the httpd.conf file and it appears to be correct,
> > > but it errors out (see
> > > above)
> > >
> > >
> > > Jimi Thompson
> > >
> > >
> > >
> --
> Jimi Thompson
> Web Master
> L3 communications
> "It's the same thing we do every night, Pinky."

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