On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 08:20:53AM -0600, Yu Di wrote:
> Then I found that I cannot access any Mod_perl, PHP, or FastCGI programs,
> if I try, I will get an error, and the error.log of Apache will have a
> line like:
>       "[...][notice] child pid xxxxx exit signal Segmentation Fault(11)"
> Then I compiled Mod_perl as a static module of Apache, and installed it,
> then installed mod_fastcgi and PHP as DSO. This time, Mod_perl programs
> and FastCGI programs can be accessed, but PHP programs will produce the
> same errors as above.
> So it seems that Mod_perl is conflicting with these two other modules,
> especially PHP.

I have observed exactly these problems. My eventual conclusion was that
mod_perl and mod_php[34] will not co-exist when either is a DSO. I
currently have everything but mod_ssl compiled statically, and I would
suggest that compiling mod_php as a static module will solve your
remaining problem.

On the plus side, I have been surprised and pleased by the stability of
mod_perl as a DSO in an httpd without PHP (on Linux).


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