On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Yu Di wrote:

> Hi, the problem is, when I compile Mod_perl and PHP both as static with
> Apache, none of them can work. And what's worse, when they are both
> static, I can't access any HTML pages either, the error log is just the
> same as described in my former mail. What is the problem here? 
> I forgot to mention that my Perl version is 5.6.0, can this be related to
> the problem? 

Well, that might be the problem, sysadmins at our workplace tried to
compile mod_perl with Perl5.6 default compiliation options, and it crapped
all over the place. I however use Mandrake built perl, and it seems to
work file for installing mod_perl.
However if you do like to have both items on the list, you might consider
making two apaches, whichever is less accessed, place it on some port like
8000 or 8080... and then compile the primary server with mod_proxy.
Then place ProxyPass I think it is called, to the the secondary server for
related URLs, or RegExp. Everytime people visit those urls primary apache
will open local connection to secondary one, and do the processing there,
and return results...
Good luck,

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